National Indigenous Knowledge and Language Alliance
Alliance nationale des connaissances et des langues autochtones
Call for Proposals for Audit Services
Submission due date: January 6, 2024
The National Indigenous Knowledge and Language Alliance (NIKLA) mission is to create an association to unify and amplify the voices of Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) to network and nurture a community of practice related to Indigenous knowledge, cultural memory, language, and Indigenous ways of knowing, as they relate to culture memory and heritage. In March 2021, NIKLA was established as a registered not-for-profit organization.
NIKLA invites proposals from qualified firms to provide professional audit services for fiscal years ending December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2025.
Services Required
Services required in these annual audits include providing an audit opinion on NIKLA’s financial statements through
An internal control audit, completed during the course of the year-end audit, consisting of studying and reviewing the accounting system and internal controls
Substantive year-end audit, specifically targeted at the statement of financial position, statement of operations, statement of net changes, statement of cashflows and reserve funds.
The audit will include:
Preparation and submission of an annual audit plan by March 15th. During the audit planning you will also undertake discussions with the executive about any changes that have occurred through the course of the year that may have an impact on the audit or your audit approach.
The year-end audit adheres to Canadian accepted auditing standards and meets the requirements of NIKLA as mandated by regulators or legislation.
Provide a letter to the executive making any recommendations on improvements to existing internal controls for financial and reporting practices based on any weaknesses found during the course of the year-end audit.
Required Information
Proposals must include:
A description of your firm and areas of expertise
A description of your relevant work with other Indigenous or not-for-profit organizations
A proposed fee structure for the annual audit, including start up costs, if any. Any hourly rates proposed should indicate if the rates apply to audit and/or other services your firm may be able to provide.
A summary description of the scope of the audit to be undertaken.
Indicate whether your firm has received a positive peer review within the last three years. Additionally, specify if your firm has been subject to any disciplinary action during this period. Please provide the results of any relevant external quality control reviews.
A list of names and contact person(s) for up to three references for financial audit work most similar to NIKLA.
Organizational Conflicts of Interest
Firms must disclose that, to the best of its knowledge, there are no relevant factors or circumstances which could give rise to organization conflicts of interest.
Submission of Proposals
Proposals must be submitted electronically by email, using “Proposal for NIKLA audit services” in the subject line. Please submit your proposal by January 6, 2024 to admin@nikla-ancla.com.